CuraeSoft Enhances coAmplifi Platform With Tools for Employer-Employee Accountability in the Hybrid Workplace

CuraeSoft has unveiled several tools for its coAmplifi workforce management software platform, promoting accountability among employers and employees, especially in the hybrid workplace, which has rapidly grown in popularity in recent years.
In 2020, COVID lockdowns forced many companies to have their employees work from home, and once restrictions were lifted, employers wanted to have their employees return to the office, as they wanted to have more control over productivity and accountability. However, many employees were reluctant to return to in-office work, as remote work allowed them to have more freedom in work-life balance, as well as choosing where to live. Not needing to commute daily to the office helped reduce stress and saved on transportation costs. As a compromise between both parties, many companies adopted a hybrid work model.
But, according to CuraeSoft founder and CEO Mark Parinas, hybrid work also results in significant cost savings for employers, especially with the uncertain economic climate in the US. With hybrid, companies don’t have to occupy as large an office space as before, and the lack of a daily commute results in lower levels of employee stress and burnout, reducing attrition and training costs. Furthermore, in the unfortunate event of another pandemic, companies can easily transition back to full remote work, while maintaining 100% productivity.
The latest version of the coAmplifi workforce management platform contains an assortment of tools that address employers’ concerns about accountability and productivity in a hybrid model. These are applicable to companies in virtually every industry, and employers can choose which ones to implement in their organization. coAmplifi connects virtually every function of the company: timekeeping, project management, billing, payroll, compliance, etc. Professional service companies, such as accounting or consulting, can benefit from the real-time billing function that calculates productivity and profitability in different projects, as well as the proposal builder.
coAmplifi allows people within an organization to see each other’s schedules and communicate with each other clearly. The integration between the timekeeping and calendaring functions allows easy setting of appointments and deliverables. The platform fosters transparency by ensuring employees can show their work to upper management, and vice versa. That way, both sides can be sure that the other is doing their work and not neglecting their responsibilities.
According to Parinas, there are two “philosophies” that popular workforce management platforms adhere to. The first is surveillance-centered, where the platform records everything that the employee does on their device, including mouse movements, keystrokes, and browser history. The majority of platforms are in this camp, which CuraeSoft believes to be invasive of an employee’s privacy.
Instead, coAmplifi adheres to an accountability-centered philosophy, where employees self-report their accomplishments, but this is verified using a clearly defined set of plans and projects that is visible to all concerned parties. This is especially useful in professions with time-based billing, and, in general, builds goodwill and trust among all members of the organization.
The platform also monitors employees’ work-life balance and task allocation, alerting management if a certain person is getting overloaded with work and ensuring equitable distribution of workload among team members.
“An accountability-based platform respects people as adults and professionals and evaluates them on the quality of their work, instead of recording and tracking inputs for the entire shift, which can risk violating their privacy. The future of the workplace is hybrid, but it requires sufficient levels of accountability and transparency to work. coAmplifi helps employers and employees achieve this, enabling them to work to their full potential,” Parinas says.