One-hour response time, bright pink branding: How Clint McNamara is standing out

For as long as he has been in the construction industry, Clint McNamara has been working to stand out in any & every field as an extremely driven high performer.

He stood out as a plumbing apprentice as a teenager, reaching the “top of the top” in Tier One construction companies in Sydney.

He stood out at the age of 18, as the youngest project manager across a number of multi-million dollar projects.

And now, as the CEO of the multi-award winning team that is Limitless All Trades & Services, McNamara and his business stand out within the construction industry. Not just in terms of the business they’re building, but also the bright pink branding behind it. 

Limitless All Trades & Services provides a “one-stop shop” for construction and maintenance services, gaining fast traction in the less than 12 months since McNamara launched the business.

With their bright pink utes, shirts and shoes, one-hour response time and round-the-clock service all year long, McNamara believes his company stands out for the core values they pride themselves on: hard work and top-tier service.

“As long as our core values are adhered to and the structure we have continues on in place, there’s no reason why this couldn’t be the biggest company in our industry, in this country,” he says.

McNamara entered the construction industry as a teenage plumbing apprentice. As he learned more about the business side of the contractors he worked under, he realised that business was where he wanted to be.

“I loved the business side of things, dealing with and helping people and personally, I was hopeless with a hammer, being on the tools just wasn’t for me.”

He worked his way up to becoming one of the youngest ever project managers in Sydney, running multiple multi-million dollar projects for Tier 1 construction companies while still a teenager. 

“I just kind of hit the ground running… with little to no experience in business at the time or knowing what the hell I was doing. I knew plumbing, so I leveraged that knowledge with the only other thing I know I’ve always had and relied on – my work ethic,” he says.

He grew his experience considerably over the next two decades, working with a range of contractors and tradies as a project manager. 

And through it all, he’s noticed a major problem with the industry.

“The majority of the issues that clients deal with come down to communication and speed. To me, and I’m sure many others would agree, time is the most valuable asset we have, so I made a point to create a business model around it, and save people on the most valuable and most precious commodity there is, time.”

Inspired by the many external mentors he worked and learned from over his life and entrepreneurial joinery, McNamara made the jump to start his own business late last year.

“To be in the top percentile, high performer, high achiever,  If you want to emulate that life, you have to emulate what they’re doing.”

The team at Limitless Trades now numbers more than 40 and is still growing. They cover all trades, and the “turnkey solution”, presenting a “one-stop shop” business that never sleeps. 

Limitless All Trades & Services boasts a one-hour response time for jobs in the Sydney area, plus a 24-hour turnaround for reporting.

McNamara is proud of the high level of communication, service, speed and work ethic his company offers. 

“We solve problems that are unsolvable,” he said. “You go on to Google and there are millions of plumbers, electricians and builders everywhere in Sydney.

“But when it comes to problem-solving, no one has the ability to do what we do, and no one will outwork us, and our record speaks to exactly that.”

“My clients and my team will always come first. And they genuinely know that through my actions, that’s why I believe our retention is as high as it is.”

McNamara believes Limitless All Trades has what it takes to stand out within the industry – and the fluro pink branding certainly helps. 

“Hey, I love pink!  The boys don’t mind and my clients are always having a laugh at the “barbie truck” so if it’s putting a smile on someone’s face, we’re winning. Plus it’s kind of hard to be missed.”

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