The Unstoppable Rise of Fintech: How Will Banks’ Visionary Leadership is Igniting Waves of Innovation in Fintech

In the vast and ever-changing landscape of the digital world, finance has undergone a remarkable transformation fueled by the unstoppable rise of financial technology, commonly known as fintech. 

Fintech experts are the driving force behind innovation, creating groundbreaking solutions while skillfully navigating complex regulatory landscapes. Their expertise is essential for promoting financial inclusion, streamlining operations, and shaping a future of finance that benefits society as a whole.

At the forefront of this revolution stands Will Banks, an international fintech expert and entrepreneur, whose unparalleled expertise in the industry has made him a driving force behind innovation. With a career that spans retail, investment banking, markets and trading, his visionary leadership and inclusive approach have left an indelible mark on the global fintech landscape.

Will’s journey to becoming a fintech pioneer started in South West London. Growing up in New Malden, he attended school in Wimbledon before pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree at Surrey University. He went on to further his professional qualifications by becoming a chartered accountant, a chartered member of the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment, and a chartered fellow of the Chartered Management Institute. His thirst for knowledge and adventure led him to be seconded to The Netherlands for work, where he embarked on extensive travels across Europe. It was during these experiences that he gained invaluable insights into the diverse world of finance.

Throughout his career, Will has held esteemed positions in Europe and served on international boards. Notably, he played a pivotal role in the divestment of TSB from Lloyds Banking Group and worked closely with Her Majesty’s Debt Management Office. His expertise and reputation in the industry garnered recognition, and in 2019, he was headhunted by the Australian Federal Government. This prestigious offer granted him permanent residency through the exclusive “Distinguishing Talent Visa Program,” making him the first European migrant and the global fintech sector to receive this rare visa.

Driven by an entrepreneurial spirit, Will Banks founded Infinity, a pioneering fintech company in Australia. Under the umbrella of his firm, DayTek Capital, he brought together a team of experts who shared his vision. Will sold the business to a firm looking to launch UnionPay into the Australian market, where Will has been retained as key person and advisor. Will’s track record of launching and nurturing successful businesses extends beyond fintech, encompassing ventures in structured capital firms and beyond. 

Inclusivity lies at the heart of Will’s philosophy. He understands that equal access and opportunities are essential for promoting financial empowerment and fairness. By bringing together diverse teams, he harnesses the collective intelligence and ideas of every individual involved. This inclusive leadership style ensures that each member feels valued and empowered, ultimately unlocking their full potential and fostering a culture of excellence.

Recognizing the importance of nurturing the next generation of fintech leaders, Will takes on various roles as an industry expert and advisor at esteemed universities such as Griffith University, QUT, and UQ. As an Alumni Ambassador for Entrepreneurship, Adjunct Industry Fellow, and mentor, he generously shares his wealth of knowledge and experience with aspiring entrepreneurs, guiding and supporting them on their transformative journeys.

With his visionary mindset and inclusive leadership style, Will Banks is bringing about a revolution in the financial world. Through his transformative approach, he is not only transforming businesses but also igniting a chain reaction of innovation and remarkable growth. His influence extends far beyond his own ventures, leaving an everlasting imprint on the world of finance.

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