‘I have to stand out’: Luxe Listings star Monika Tu on her personal style


Monika Tu shares her personal style tips with Forbes Australia.
Monika Tu stars in Luxe Listings Sydney, and is the founder and director of Black Diamondz Group | Image source: Supplied
Who is your style icon?

Pretty much myself. Sorry! I always have a purpose for what I wear, and I’m always comfortable.

How would you describe your style?

My style is comfortable to start with, and it’s always using the best materials to really make a presence. I have to make sure I stand out.

What’s the last thing you bought and why?

I bought a beautiful Gucci dress. It’s a serious gown. All the jewels are hand-stitched and it’s just a phenomenal design. There’s only one in Australia. I want to make a statement, right? That’s why.

If you had all the money in the world, what’s one item you would buy and not bat an eyelid?

Nothing. I mean, I would love to have so much money to give to charity and not think where the money comes from. I really want to win the lotto. I don’t give a shit about material things, but I really do want to give to a lot of charities and not think about having to come up with the money for it.

What’s one item you would never get rid of or donate?

I have a calligraph from my grandfather. He’s a famous calligrapher. It’s my inspiration. It’s in Chinese, but it translates to… Everyday, you have to go up. You have to accelerate. I see it everyday when I walk out of my bedroom. It’s priceless – I would never sell it.

What’s something you want to buy, but can’t get your hands on?

Nothing – I don’t want anything. I know it’s boring, but I don’t.

Monika Tu stars in Luxe Listings Sydney, and is the founder and director of Black Diamondz Group | Image source: Supplied
Bright colours, or neutrals?

Both. But probably at the moment, bright colours.

Jewellery, or no jewellery?

100% jewellery. It’s never too much!

What’s your style advice to others?

It’s not what you wear, it’s how you wear it. As long as you’re comfortable, your head is up and you are proud. Everything you choose to wear, just be proud of it. Don’t worry about anybody’s judgement, as long as you love it. That’s my advice.

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Forbes Staff