Five quietly powerful personal branding tips for introverted entrepreneurs


A strong personal brand allows you to establish credibility, develop influence and have more impact through greater visibility.
Woman in denim jacket trying to avoid being photographed
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Whether it is seeking new clients, pitching to investors, being featured in the media, or showing up on stage; putting yourself out there and developing a personal brand often goes hand in hand with being an entrepreneur. Problem is, it doesn’t necessarily go hand in hand with being an introvert.

With 25% to 40% of the population estimated to be introverted, and a global community of more than 582 million entrepreneurs worldwide; it is important that introverted entrepreneurs (and intrapreneurs) find a way to work with their introversion. If this sounds like you, never fear, there are certain strategies to help you shape a personal brand quietly.

A strong personal brand allows you to establish credibility, develop influence and have more impact through greater visibility. Famous self-proclaimed introverts such as Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Warren Buffett, and Oprah have proven having a well-known personal brand and introversion are not mutually exclusive.

Being introverted can lead to becoming a better leader, having a more charismatic presence, and being regarded as more thoughtful in the public domain. It all comes down to introverts putting themselves out there in a way that works for them. Here are five quietly powerful tips that might help.

Focus on the audience

With a natural preference for remaining behind the scenes, what most introverts need to get out of their comfort zone and into the spotlight is a very clearly defined purpose for doing so. It is for this reason I suggest to my introverted clients, that they don’t put themselves out there to simply look good; instead, they put themselves out there to do good. As an example, when they can see how greater visibility leads to adding more value to customers, the incentives begin to outweigh the discomfort. 

Network from stage

I standby the belief that the best place for an introverted entrepreneur to be at a networking event is on stage. Though one would assume introverts wouldn’t make great public speakers, that is not the truth. Introverts are said to be stereotypically more empathetic and public speaking is all about connecting with an audience. Being the speaker allows an introvert to share a highly curated, practiced talk in their own space and network with the entire room simultaneously. Efficient and effective.

Harness the power of one

Though introverts are happy to be on their own, the reality is life and business are very much a team sport. We are all entangled in a web of interconnectivity, which is why a well-established and powerful network can be an extremely important asset for an entrepreneur in any industry. The great news for introverts is that building a powerful network can be done one person at a time. This is where strategically and proactively asking for introductions (via email or in person) comes into play. Even if you commit to making one new meaningful connection per month, it quickly adds up over time.

Show up in your own space

In an interview with TIME magazine, Jennifer Kahnweiler, author of The Introverted Leader: Building on Your Quiet Strength, suggests introverts are more effective on social media because they’re less prone to knee-jerk reactions than extroverts. Social media allows introverts to network in their own time and take full control of the messaging they share. I recommend my introverted clients invest in a great profile shot and take the time to ensure their professional bio (and LinkedIn ‘About’ section) resonates with where they want to go.

Take time to recover

The term ‘Introvert Hangover’ was coined for a reason. It’s not uncommon for introverts to feel overwhelmed and exhausted after too much external stimulation. While it might be required to act like an extrovert for short bursts, it is important introverted entrepreneurs take the time to recover to ensure they don’t have personal branding burn out. Better to take less more meaningful opportunities and ensure there is ample time to rejuvenate after. That might mean taking a solitary walk in nature after presenting on stage, or spending a few minutes meditating after an interview. The aim is to make putting yourself out there a pleasure rather than a painful experience.

The power of visibility is not reserved for individuals who thrive in the spotlight. Visibility is an abundant resource that we can all access now more than ever. Technology is helping introverts connect with others from the peace and quiet of their own home or office. It is therefore not a question of if introverted entrepreneurs can build a powerful personal brand, it is a question of how.  

Carlii Lyon is a personal branding coach and speaker. Find out more about Carlii at

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