In a Q&A with Forbes Australia Editor-in-Chief Sarah O’Carroll, the founder & CEO of Wisetech Global, Australia’s 7th richest person with a net worth of $10 billion, shares what brings him happiness and his love of Sydney.
Watch the video below.

Richard White will share his full story live at the Forbes Business Summit. You can secure your ticket here.
Food + Drink
Your go-to breakfast: Weekday: a small protein snack and my daily vitamins with an Early Grey tea (no milk or sugar).
Weekend: I typically have brunch instead of breakfast on the weekends, and my most common choice is smashed avocado on sourdough toast with poached egg and (again) Earl Grey tea (no milk or sugar).
Favourite meal: I don’t really have a favourite meal as I like variety and choice, but I do like Churrasco and love a steak with a high marble score.
Bedtime: It varies depending on workload and social, but usually around 10pm.
Favourite restaurant in Australia: Margaret’s at Double Bay, although there are many fine restaurants in Sydney, it’s hard to pick, and I prefer the variety.
Favourite restaurant in the world: Nobu Malibu is great, but I really haven’t got that much perspective.
Beer: I like craft dark (old recipe) style beers, but I have not had much beer in the last five years.
Favourite tipple: I love Shiraz and, in particular, Petersons Mudgee Shiraz.
An ideal Saturday night: Dinner with friends at a restaurant or at home.
Three dinner guests you’d like: Daniel Kahneman, Dan Ariely and Nassim Taleb (all three are authors of important works).
Weekend away in Australia: Probably to Palm Beach for the weekend.
Best drive: The Autobahn in Germany between Bonn and Berlin (in a V12 AMG Mercedes)
Best airline: Emirates
Favourite city in the world: Definitely Sydney
Country you love to visit: So many, but probably US, Southern California
Most beautiful place: Sydney Harbour
Luxury gadgets
Current car: Tesla Model 3 LR with FSD
Favourite car: Tesla Model S
The APP you can’t live without: Microsoft Teams
Foolproof Christmas gift: There is no such thing
Perfume or Cologne: Bvlgari Man in Black
Book you tell people to read: Books by Daniel Kahneman (Thinking Fast and Slow), Dan Ariely Predictably Irrational), Aubrey Daniels (Bringing out the best in people), Nassim Taleb (Incerto series), Eli Goldratt (The Goal, It’s not luck)
Favourite song: Wish you were here (Pink Floyd)
Band: Pink Floyd
TV series: Big Bang Theory
Movie: Star Wars
How you unwind: Quiet reflection
Sport to watch: Tennis
Biggest influence: Theory of Constraints Thinking Processes
Best friend: My grandfather (passed when I was 34)
Who makes you laugh: Craig Ferguson
Best advice: Stick to the Knitting (in search of Excellence)
Your legacy: No Legacy – only the things you leave behind that help change the world
Proudest moment: The birth of my children
Greatest flaw: I get choked up when trying to read to others many things that are meaningful to me
Any superstition: No – nothing metaphysical is helpful or valuable
Makes you happy: Making things, solving problems and learning
What you miss: Time to read and reflect more.
What you wish you could change about the world: For the world to be kinder, more logical, without physical conflict but with the ability to argue for understanding and truth
Life motto: Change the world: one innovation at a time
Richard White is on the cover of Forbes Australia Issue Five, which is out now. Tap here to get your copy or become a premium member.